Provide additional information when users hover over or focus on an element.
Because tooltips rely on hover states, touch devices like mobile phones often don't show them. Therefore, it is recommended that you convey essential information via the UI rather than relying on a tooltip for mobile users.
<flux:tooltip content="Settings"> <flux:button icon="cog-6-tooth" icon:variant="outline" /></flux:tooltip>
As a shorthand, you can pass a tooltip prop into a button component directly.
<flux:button tooltip="Settings" ... />
In cases where a tooltip's content is essential, you should make it toggleable. This way, users on touch devices will be able to trigger it on click/press rather than hover.
For US businesses, enter your 9-digit Employer Identification Number (EIN) without hyphens.
For European companies, enter your VAT number including the country prefix (e.g., DE123456789).
<flux:heading class="flex items-center gap-2"> Tax identification number <flux:tooltip toggleable> <flux:button icon="information-circle" size="sm" variant="ghost" /> <flux:tooltip.content class="max-w-[20rem] space-y-2"> <p>For US businesses, enter your 9-digit Employer Identification Number (EIN) without hyphens.</p> <p>For European companies, enter your VAT number including the country prefix (e.g., DE123456789).</p> </flux:tooltip.content> </flux:tooltip></flux:heading>
Position tooltips around the element for optimal visibility. Choose from top, right, bottom, or left.
<flux:tooltip content="Settings" position="top"> <flux:button icon="cog-6-tooth" icon:variant="outline" /></flux:tooltip><flux:tooltip content="Settings" position="right"> <flux:button icon="cog-6-tooth" icon:variant="outline" /></flux:tooltip><flux:tooltip content="Settings" position="bottom"> <flux:button icon="cog-6-tooth" icon:variant="outline" /></flux:tooltip><flux:tooltip content="Settings" position="left"> <flux:button icon="cog-6-tooth" icon:variant="outline" /></flux:tooltip>
By default, tooltips on disabled buttons won't be triggered because pointer events are disabled as well. However, as a workaround, you can target a wrapping element instead of the button directly.
<flux:tooltip content="Cannot merge until reviewed by a team member"> <div> <flux:button disabled icon="arrow-turn-down-right">Merge pull request</flux:button> </div></flux:tooltip>
content |
Text content to display in the tooltip. Alternative to using the flux:tooltip.content component.
position |
Position of the tooltip relative to the trigger element. Options: top (default), right, bottom, left.
align |
Alignment of the tooltip. Options: center (default), start, end.
gap |
Spacing between the trigger element and the tooltip. Default: 5px.
offset |
Offset of the tooltip from the trigger element. Default: 0px.
toggleable |
Makes the tooltip clickable instead of hover-only. Useful for touch devices.
interactive |
Uses the proper ARIA attributes (aria-expanded and aria-controls) to signal that the tooltip has interactive content.
kbd |
Keyboard shortcut hint displayed at the end of the tooltip.
data-flux-tooltip |
Applied to the root element for styling and identification.
kbd |
Keyboard shortcut hint displayed at the end of the tooltip content.