

Encapsulate input elements with labels, descriptions, and validation.

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Shorthand props

Because using the field component in its full form can be verbose and repetitive, all form controls in flux allow you pass a label and a description parameter directly. Under the hood, they will be wrapped in a field with an error component automatically.

Copy to clipboard

With trailing description

Position the field description directly below the input.

Must be at least 8 characters long, include an uppercase letter, a number, and a special character.

With badge

Badges allow you to enhance a field with additional information such as being "required" or "optional" when it might not be expected.

Phone number

Split layout

Display multiple fields horizontally in the same row.

First name
Last name


Group related fields using the fieldset and legend component.

Shipping address
Street address line 1
Street address line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip code
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Built with by
Caleb Porzio and Hugo Sainte-Marie