Dropdown menus that open when right clicking a designated area.
Learn more about the menu component on the dropdown page ->
<flux:context> <flux:card class="border-dashed border-2 px-16"> <flux:text>Right click</flux:text> </flux:card> <flux:menu> <flux:menu.item icon="plus">New post</flux:menu.item> <flux:menu.separator /> <flux:menu.submenu heading="Sort by"> <flux:menu.radio.group> <flux:menu.radio checked>Name</flux:menu.radio> <flux:menu.radio>Date</flux:menu.radio> <flux:menu.radio>Popularity</flux:menu.radio> </flux:menu.radio.group> </flux:menu.submenu> <flux:menu.submenu heading="Filter"> <flux:menu.checkbox checked>Draft</flux:menu.checkbox> <flux:menu.checkbox checked>Published</flux:menu.checkbox> <flux:menu.checkbox>Archived</flux:menu.checkbox> </flux:menu.submenu> <flux:menu.separator /> <flux:menu.item variant="danger" icon="trash">Delete</flux:menu.item> </flux:menu></flux:context>
A wrapper component that enables right-click context menu functionality.
wire:model |
Binds the context menu's state to a Livewire property. See the wire:model documentation for more information.
position |
Controls the position of the menu relative to the click position. Format: [vertical] [horizontal]. Vertical options: top, bottom (default). Horizontal options: start, center, end (default).
gap |
Distance in pixels between the menu and the click position. Default: 4.
offset |
Additional offset in pixels along both axes. Format: [x] [y].
target |
ID of an external element to use as the menu. Use this when you need the menu to be outside the context element's DOM tree.
detail |
Custom value to be stored in the menu's data-detail attribute, useful for adding custom styling or behavior based on the source of the context menu.
disabled |
Prevents the context menu from being shown when right-clicking.
default |
The first child element functions as the trigger area, which will show the context menu when right-clicked. The second child element should be a flux:menu component that will appear as the context menu.