Display your company or application's logo and name in a clean, consistent way across your interface.
<flux:brand href="#" logo="/img/demo/logo.png" name="Acme Inc." /><flux:brand href="#" name="Acme Inc."> <x-slot name="logo"> <div class="size-6 rounded shrink-0 bg-accent text-accent-foreground flex items-center justify-center"><i class="font-serif font-bold">A</i></div> </x-slot></flux:brand>
Use the logo slot to provide a custom logo for your brand.
<flux:brand href="#" name="Launchpad"> <x-slot name="logo" class="size-6 rounded-full bg-cyan-500 text-white text-xs font-bold"> <flux:icon name="rocket-launch" variant="micro" /> </x-slot></flux:brand>
Display just the logo without the company name by omitting the name prop.
<flux:header class="px-4! w-full bg-zinc-50 dark:bg-zinc-800 rounded-lg border border-zinc-100 dark:border-white/5"> <flux:brand href="#" name="Acme Inc."> <x-slot name="logo" class="bg-accent text-accent-foreground"> <i class="font-serif font-bold">A</i> </x-slot> </flux:brand> <flux:navbar variant="outline"> <flux:navbar.item href="#" current>Home</flux:navbar.item> <flux:navbar.item badge="12" href="#">Inbox</flux:navbar.item> </flux:navbar> <flux:spacer class="min-w-24" /> <flux:profile circle :chevron="false" avatar="https://unavatar.io/x/calebporzio" /></flux:header>
name |
Company or application name to display next to the logo.
logo |
URL to the image to display as logo, or can pass content via slot.
alt |
Alternative text for the logo.
href |
URL to navigate to when the brand is clicked. Default: '/'.
logo |
Custom content for the logo section, typically containing an image, SVG, or custom HTML.