Capture multi-line text input from users. Ideal for comments, descriptions, and feedback.
<flux:textarea />
Display a hint inside the textarea to guide users on what to enter.
<flux:textarea label="Order notes" placeholder="No lettuce, tomato, or onion..."/>
Customize the height of the textarea by passing a rows prop.
<flux:textarea rows="2" label="Note" />
Using CSS's new field-sizing property, the textarea will automatically adjust its height to fit the content by passing in the rows="auto" prop.
This feature is not available in all web browsers. Visit to see which browsers support this feature.
<flux:textarea rows="auto" />
If you want to restrict the user from resizing the textarea, you can use the resize="none" prop.
<flux:textarea resize="vertical" /><flux:textarea resize="none" /><flux:textarea resize="horizontal" /><flux:textarea resize="both" />
wire:model |
Binds the textarea to a Livewire property. See the wire:model documentation for more information.
name |
Name attribute for the textarea. Automatically set when using wire:model.
placeholder |
Placeholder text displayed when the textarea is empty.
label |
Label text displayed above the textarea. When provided, wraps the textarea in a flux:field component with an adjacent flux:label component. See the field component.
description |
Help text displayed below the textarea. When provided alongside label, appears between the label and textarea within the flux:field wrapper. See the field component.
description:trailing |
The description provided will be displayed below the textarea instead of above it.
badge |
Badge text displayed at the end of the flux:label component when the label prop is provided.
rows |
Number of visible text lines. Use "auto" for automatic height adjustment. Default: 4.
resize |
Control how the textarea can be resized. Options: vertical (default), horizontal, both, none.
invalid |
If true, applies error styling to the textarea.
data-flux-textarea |
Applied to the textarea element for styling and identification.