Toggle a setting on or off. Suitable for binary options like enabling or disabling features.
<flux:switch"notifications" label="Enable notifications" />
Group related switches within a fieldset.
<flux:fieldset> <flux:legend>Email notifications</flux:legend> <div class="space-y-4"> <flux:switch"communication" label="Communication emails" description="Receive emails about your account activity." /> <flux:separator variant="subtle" /> <flux:switch"marketing" label="Marketing emails" description="Receive emails about new products, features, and more." /> <flux:separator variant="subtle" /> <flux:switch"social" label="Social emails" description="Receive emails for friend requests, follows, and more." /> <flux:separator variant="subtle" /> <flux:switch"security" label="Security emails" description="Receive emails about your account activity and security." /> </div></flux:fieldset>
Left align switches for more compact layouts using the align prop.
<flux:fieldset> <flux:legend>Email notifications</flux:legend> <div class="space-y-3"> <flux:switch label="Communication emails" align="left" /> <flux:switch label="Marketing emails" align="left" /> <flux:switch label="Social emails" align="left" /> <flux:switch label="Security emails" align="left" /> </div></flux:fieldset>
wire:model |
Binds the switch to a Livewire property. See the wire:model documentation for more information.
name |
Name attribute for the switch. Automatically set when using wire:model.
label |
Label text displayed above the switch. When provided, wraps the switch in a flux:field component with an adjacent flux:label component. See the field component.
description |
Help text displayed below the switch. When provided alongside label, appears between the label and switch within the flux:field wrapper. See the field component.
align |
Alignment of the switch relative to its label. Options: right|start (default), left|end.
disabled |
Prevents user interaction with the switch.
data-flux-switch |
Applied to the root element for styling and identification.
data-checked |
Applied when the switch is in the "on" state.