Display an image or initials as an avatar.
<flux:avatar src="https://unavatar.io/x/calebporzio" />
Use the tooltip prop to display a tooltip when hovering over the avatar.
<flux:avatar tooltip="Caleb Porzio" src="https://unavatar.io/x/calebporzio" /><!-- Or infer from the name prop... --><flux:avatar tooltip name="Caleb Porzio" src="https://unavatar.io/x/calebporzio" />
When no src is provided, the name prop will be used to automatically generate initials. You can also use the initials prop directly.
<flux:avatar name="Caleb Porzio" /><flux:avatar name="calebporzio" /><flux:avatar name="calebporzio" initials:single /><!-- Or use the initials prop directly... --><flux:avatar initials="CP" />
Use the size prop to change the size of the avatar.
<!-- Extra large: size-16 (64px) --><flux:avatar size="xl" src="https://unavatar.io/x/calebporzio" /><!-- Large: size-12 (48px) --><flux:avatar size="lg" src="https://unavatar.io/x/calebporzio" /><!-- Default: size-10 (40px) --><flux:avatar src="https://unavatar.io/x/calebporzio" /><!-- Small: size-8 (32px) --><flux:avatar size="sm" src="https://unavatar.io/x/calebporzio" /><!-- Extra small: size-6 (24px) --><flux:avatar size="xs" src="https://unavatar.io/x/calebporzio" />
Use the icon prop to display an icon instead of an image.
<flux:avatar icon="user" /><flux:avatar icon="phone" /><flux:avatar icon="computer-desktop" />
Use the color prop to change the color of the avatar.
<flux:avatar name="Caleb Porzio" color="red" /><flux:avatar name="Caleb Porzio" color="orange" /><flux:avatar name="Caleb Porzio" color="amber" /><flux:avatar name="Caleb Porzio" color="yellow" /><flux:avatar name="Caleb Porzio" color="lime" /><flux:avatar name="Caleb Porzio" color="green" /><flux:avatar name="Caleb Porzio" color="emerald" /><flux:avatar name="Caleb Porzio" color="teal" /><flux:avatar name="Caleb Porzio" color="cyan" /><flux:avatar name="Caleb Porzio" color="sky" /><flux:avatar name="Caleb Porzio" color="blue" /><flux:avatar name="Caleb Porzio" color="indigo" /><flux:avatar name="Caleb Porzio" color="violet" /><flux:avatar name="Caleb Porzio" color="purple" /><flux:avatar name="Caleb Porzio" color="fuchsia" /><flux:avatar name="Caleb Porzio" color="pink" /><flux:avatar name="Caleb Porzio" color="rose" />
Deterministically generate a color based on a user's name.
<flux:avatar name="Caleb Porzio" color="auto" /><!-- Use color:seed to generate a consistent color based --><!-- on something unchanging like a user's ID... --><flux:avatar name="Caleb Porzio" color="auto" color:seed="{{ $user->id }}" />
Use the circle prop to make the avatar circular.
<flux:avatar circle src="https://unavatar.io/x/calebporzio" />
Add badges to avatars in various ways. Use the badge prop by itself for a simple dot indicator, provide content like numbers or emojis, or even pass in custom HTML via a slot.
<flux:avatar badge badge:color="green" badge:circle src="https://unavatar.io/x/calebporzio" /><flux:avatar badge badge:color="zinc" badge:position="top right" badge:circle badge:variant="outline" src="https://unavatar.io/x/calebporzio" /><flux:avatar badge="25" src="https://unavatar.io/x/calebporzio" /><flux:avatar circle badge="👍" badge:circle src="https://unavatar.io/x/calebporzio" /><flux:avatar circle src="https://unavatar.io/x/calebporzio"> <x-slot:badge> <img class="size-3" src="https://unavatar.io/github/hugosaintemarie" /> </x-slot:badge></flux:avatar>
Stack avatars together. By default, grouped avatars have rings that adapt to your theme - white in light mode and a dark color in dark mode. If you need to customize the ring color, to match a different background, you can do so by adding a custom class to the flux:avatar.group component.
<flux:avatar.group> <flux:avatar src="https://unavatar.io/x/calebporzio" /> <flux:avatar src="https://unavatar.io/github/hugosaintemarie" /> <flux:avatar src="https://unavatar.io/github/joshhanley" /> <flux:avatar>3+</flux:avatar></flux:avatar.group><!-- Adapt rings to custom background... --><flux:avatar.group class="**:ring-zinc-100 dark:**:ring-zinc-800"> <flux:avatar circle src="https://unavatar.io/x/calebporzio" /> <flux:avatar circle src="https://unavatar.io/github/hugosaintemarie" /> <flux:avatar circle src="https://unavatar.io/github/joshhanley" /> <flux:avatar circle>3+</flux:avatar></flux:avatar.group>
Use the as prop to make the avatar a button.
<flux:avatar as="button" src="https://unavatar.io/x/calebporzio" />
Use the href prop to make the avatar a link.
IMO Livewire takes Blade to the next level. It's basically what Blade should be by default. 🔥
<div> <div class="flex items-center gap-2"> <flux:icon.star variant="solid" /> <flux:icon.star variant="solid" /> <flux:icon.star variant="solid" /> <flux:icon.star variant="solid" /> <flux:icon.star variant="solid" /> </div> <flux:heading size="xl" class="mt-4 italic"> <p>IMO Livewire takes Blade to the next level. It's basically what Blade should be by default. 🔥</p> </flux:heading> <div class="mt-6 flex items-center gap-4"> <flux:avatar size="lg" src="https://unavatar.io/x/taylorotwell" /> <div> <flux:heading size="lg">Taylor Otwell</flux:heading> <flux:text>Creator of Laravel</flux:text> </div> </div></div>
<div> <flux:heading size="xl">The Laravel Podcast <flux:badge inset="top bottom" class="ml-1 max-sm:hidden">New</flux:badge></flux:heading> <flux:text class="mt-2"> A podcast about Laravel, development best practices, and the PHP ecosystem—hosted by Jeffrey Way, Matt Stauffer, and Taylor Otwell, later joined by Adam Wathan. </flux:text> <flux:avatar.group class="mt-6"> <flux:avatar circle size="lg" src="https://unavatar.io/x/taylorotwell" /> <flux:avatar circle size="lg" src="https://unavatar.io/x/adamwathan" /> <flux:avatar circle size="lg" src="https://unavatar.io/x/jeffrey_way" /> <flux:avatar circle size="lg" src="https://unavatar.io/x/stauffermatt" /> </flux:avatar.group></div>
Include avatars in table rows to make user data more identifiable.
Caleb Porzio
Hugo Sainte-Marie
Josh Hanley
<div class="flex justify-between items-center mb-4"> <flux:heading size="lg">Team members</flux:heading> <flux:button size="sm" icon="plus">Invite</flux:button></div><flux:table> <flux:table.rows> <flux:table.row> <flux:table.cell> <div class="flex items-center gap-2 sm:gap-4"> <flux:avatar circle size="lg" class="max-sm:size-8" src="https://unavatar.io/github/calebporzio" /> <div class="flex flex-col"> <flux:heading>Caleb Porzio <flux:badge size="sm" color="blue" class="ml-1 max-sm:hidden">You</flux:badge></flux:heading> <flux:text class="max-sm:hidden">[email protected]</flux:text> </div> </div> </flux:table.cell> <flux:table.cell> <div class="flex justify-end items-center gap-2"> <flux:select size="sm" class="min-w-fit max-w-fit"> <flux:select.option value="admin" selected>Admin</flux:select.option> <flux:select.option value="member">Member</flux:select.option> <flux:select.option value="guest">Guest</flux:select.option> </flux:select> <flux:button size="sm" variant="subtle" icon="trash" class="shrink-0" /> </div> </flux:table.cell> </flux:table.row> <flux:table.row > <flux:table.cell> <div class="flex items-center gap-2 sm:gap-4"> <flux:avatar circle size="lg" class="max-sm:size-8" src="https://unavatar.io/github/hugosaintemarie" /> <div class="flex flex-col"> <flux:heading>Hugo Sainte-Marie</flux:heading> <flux:text class="max-sm:hidden">[email protected]</flux:text> </div> </div> </flux:table.cell> <flux:table.cell> <div class="flex justify-end items-center gap-2"> <flux:select size="sm" class="min-w-fit max-w-fit"> <flux:select.option value="admin">Admin</flux:select.option> <flux:select.option value="member" selected>Member</flux:select.option> <flux:select.option value="guest">Guest</flux:select.option> </flux:select> <flux:button size="sm" variant="subtle" icon="trash" class="shrink-0" /> </div> </flux:table.cell> </flux:table.row> <flux:table.row> <flux:table.cell> <div class="flex items-center gap-2 sm:gap-4"> <flux:avatar circle size="lg" class="max-sm:size-8" src="https://unavatar.io/github/joshhanley" /> <div class="flex flex-col"> <flux:heading>Josh Hanley</flux:heading> <flux:text class="max-sm:hidden">[email protected]</flux:text> </div> </div> </flux:table.cell> <flux:table.cell> <div class="flex justify-end items-center gap-2"> <flux:select size="sm" class="min-w-fit max-w-fit"> <flux:select.option value="admin">Admin</flux:select.option> <flux:select.option value="member" selected>Member</flux:select.option> <flux:select.option value="guest">Guest</flux:select.option> </flux:select> <flux:button size="sm" variant="subtle" icon="trash" class="shrink-0" /> </div> </flux:table.cell> </flux:table.row> </flux:table.rows></flux:table>
Include avatars in table rows to make user data more identifiable.
<flux:card> <div class="flex justify-between items-center"> <flux:heading>Assignees</flux:heading> <flux:button size="sm" variant="subtle" icon="plus" inset="top bottom" /> </div> <flux:separator class="mt-2 mb-4" variant="subtle" /> <ul class="flex flex-col gap-3"> <li class="flex items-center gap-2"> <flux:avatar size="xs" src="https://unavatar.io/github/calebporzio" /> <flux:heading>Caleb Porzio</flux:heading> </li> <li class="flex items-center gap-2"> <flux:avatar size="xs" src="https://unavatar.io/github/hugosaintemarie" /> <flux:heading>Hugo Sainte-Marie</flux:heading> </li> <li class="flex items-center gap-2"> <flux:avatar size="xs" src="https://unavatar.io/github/joshhanley" /> <flux:heading>Josh Hanley</flux:heading> </li> <li class="flex items-center gap-2"> <flux:avatar size="xs" src="https://unavatar.io/github/jasonlbeggs" /> <flux:heading>Jason Beggs</flux:heading> </li> </ul></flux:card>
Enhance select options with avatars to make them more visually recognizable.
<flux:select variant="listbox" label="Assign to"> <flux:select.option selected> <div class="flex items-center gap-2 whitespace-nowrap"> <flux:avatar circle size="xs" src="https://unavatar.io/github/calebporzio" /> Caleb Porzio </div> </flux:select.option> <flux:select.option> <div class="flex items-center gap-2 whitespace-nowrap"> <flux:avatar circle size="xs" src="https://unavatar.io/github/hugosaintemarie" /> Hugo Sainte-Marie </div> </flux:select.option> <flux:select.option> <div class="flex items-center gap-2 whitespace-nowrap"> <flux:avatar circle size="xs" src="https://unavatar.io/github/joshhanley" /> Josh Hanley </div> </flux:select.option> <flux:select.option> <div class="flex items-center gap-2 whitespace-nowrap"> <flux:avatar circle size="xs" src="https://unavatar.io/github/jasonlbeggs" /> Jason Beggs </div> </flux:select.option></flux:select>
Display a user's profile information in a popover.
<flux:dropdown hover position="bottom center"> <flux:avatar as="button" name="calebporzio" src="https://unavatar.io/x/calebporzio" /> <flux:popover class="relative max-w-[15rem]"> <div class="absolute top-0 right-0 p-2"> <flux:button icon="user-plus" variant="filled" size="sm">Follow back</flux:button> </div> <flux:avatar size="xl" name="calebporzio" src="https://unavatar.io/x/calebporzio" /> <flux:heading class="mt-2">Caleb Porzio</flux:heading> <flux:text>@calebporzio <flux:badge color="zinc" size="sm" inset="top bottom">Follows you</flux:badge></flux:text> <flux:text class="mt-3"> I'm a full stack developer with a passion for building web applications. Currently working on a new project called <flux:link href="https://fluxui.dev">Flux</flux:link>. </flux:text> <div class="flex gap-4 mt-3"> <div class="flex gap-2 items-center"> <flux:heading>1.2k</flux:heading> <flux:text>Followers</flux:text> </div> <div class="flex gap-2 items-center"> <flux:heading>1.2k</flux:heading> <flux:text>Following</flux:text> </div> </div> </flux:popover></flux:dropdown>
name |
User's name to display as initials. If provided without initials, this will be used to generate initials automatically.
src |
URL to the image to display as avatar.
initials |
Custom initials to display when no src is provided. Will override name if provided.
alt |
Alternative text for the avatar image. (Default: name if provided)
size |
Size of the avatar. Options: xs (24px), sm (32px), (default: 40px), lg (48px).
color |
Background color when displaying initials or icons. Options: red, orange, amber, yellow, lime, green, emerald, teal, cyan, sky, blue, indigo, violet, purple, fuchsia, pink, rose, auto. Default: none (uses system colors).
color:seed |
Value used when color="auto" to deterministically generate consistent colors. Useful for using user IDs to generate consistent colors.
circle |
If present or true, makes the avatar fully circular instead of rounded corners.
icon |
Name of the icon to display instead of an image or initials.
icon:variant |
Icon variant to use. Options: outline, solid. Default: solid.
tooltip |
Text to display in a tooltip when hovering over the avatar. If set to true, uses the name prop as tooltip content.
tooltip:position |
Position of the tooltip. Options: top, right, bottom, left. Default: top.
badge |
Content to display as a badge. Can be a string, boolean, or a slot.
badge:color |
Color of the badge. Options: same color options as the color prop.
badge:circle |
If present or true, makes the badge fully circular instead of slightly rounded corners.
badge:position |
Position of the badge. Options: top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right. Default: bottom right.
badge:variant |
Variant of the badge. Options: solid, outline. Default: solid.
as |
Element to render the avatar as. Options: button, div (default).
href |
URL to link to, making the avatar a link element.
default |
Custom content to display inside the avatar. Will override initials if provided.
badge |
Custom content to display in the badge (for more complex badge content).
class |
CSS classes to apply to the group, including customizing ring colors using *:ring-{color} format.
default |
Place multiple flux:avatar components here to display them as a group.