Consistent typographical components like text and link.
<flux:heading>Text component</flux:heading><flux:text class="mt-2">This is the standard text component for body copy and general content throughout your application.</flux:text>
Use standard Tailwind to control the size of the text so that you can more easily adapt to different screen sizes.
<flux:text class="text-base">Base text size</flux:text><flux:text>Default text size</flux:text><flux:text class="text-xs">Smaller text</flux:text>
Use standard Tailwind to control the color of the text so that you can more easily adapt to different screen sizes.
<flux:text variant="strong">Strong text color</flux:text><flux:text>Default text color</flux:text><flux:text variant="subtle">Muted text color</flux:text><flux:text color="blue">Colored text</flux:text>
Use the link component to create clickable text that navigates to other pages or resources.
<flux:text>Visit our <flux:link href="#">documentation</flux:link> for more information.</flux:text>
Links can be styled differently based on their context and importance.
<flux:link href="#">Default link</flux:link><flux:link href="#" variant="ghost">Ghost link</flux:link><flux:link href="#" variant="subtle">Subtle link</flux:link>
size |
Size of the text. Options: xs, sm, base, lg. Default: base.
variant |
Text variant. Options: strong, subtle. Default: default.
color |
Color of the text. Options: default, red, orange, yellow, lime, green, emerald, teal, cyan, sky, blue, indigo, violet, purple, fuchsia, pink, rose. Default: default.
inline |
If true, the text element will be a span instead of a p.
href |
The URL that the link points to. Required.
variant |
Link style variant. Options: default, ghost, subtle. Default: default.
external |
If true, the link will open in a new tab.