Display a user's profile with an avatar and optional name in a compact, interactive component.
<flux:profile avatar="https://unavatar.io/x/calebporzio" />
Display a user's name next to their avatar.
<flux:profile name="Caleb Porzio" avatar="https://unavatar.io/x/calebporzio" />
Hide the chevron icon by setting the :chevron prop to false.
<flux:profile :chevron="false" avatar="https://unavatar.io/x/calebporzio" />
Use the circle prop to display a circular avatar.
<flux:profile circle :chevron="false" avatar="https://unavatar.io/x/calebporzio" /><flux:profile circle name="Caleb Porzio" avatar="https://unavatar.io/x/calebporzio" />
When no avatar image is provided, initials will be automatically generated from the name or they can be specified directly.
<!-- Automatically generates initials from name --><flux:profile name="Caleb Porzio" /><!-- Specify color... --><flux:profile name="Caleb Porzio" avatar:color="cyan" /><!-- Manually specify initials... --><flux:profile initials="CP" /><!-- Provide name only for avatar initial generation... --><flux:profile avatar:name="Caleb Porzio" />
Replace the default chevron with a custom icon using the icon:trailing prop.
<flux:profile icon:trailing="chevron-up-down" avatar="https://unavatar.io/x/calebporzio" name="Caleb Porzio"/>
<flux:dropdown align="end"> <flux:profile avatar="https://unavatar.io/x/calebporzio" /> <flux:navmenu class="max-w-[12rem]"> <div class="px-2 py-1.5"> <flux:text size="sm">Signed in as</flux:text> <flux:heading class="mt-1! truncate">[email protected]</flux:heading> </div> <flux:navmenu.separator /> <div class="px-2 py-1.5"> <flux:text size="sm" class="pl-7">Teams</flux:text> </div> <flux:navmenu.item href="#" icon="check" class="text-zinc-800 dark:text-white truncate">Personal</flux:navmenu.item> <flux:navmenu.item href="#" indent class="text-zinc-800 dark:text-white truncate">Wireable LLC</flux:navmenu.item> <flux:navmenu.separator /> <flux:navmenu.item href="/dashboard" icon="key" class="text-zinc-800 dark:text-white">Licenses</flux:navmenu.item> <flux:navmenu.item href="/account" icon="user" class="text-zinc-800 dark:text-white">Account</flux:navmenu.item> <flux:navmenu.separator /> <flux:navmenu.item href="/logout" icon="arrow-right-start-on-rectangle" class="text-zinc-800 dark:text-white">Logout</flux:navmenu.item> </flux:navmenu></flux:dropdown>
<flux:dropdown position="top" align="start"> <flux:profile avatar="https://unavatar.io/x/calebporzio" name="Caleb Porzio" /> <flux:menu> <flux:menu.radio.group> <flux:menu.radio checked>Caleb Porzio</flux:menu.radio> <flux:menu.radio>Hugo Sainte-Marie</flux:menu.radio> <flux:menu.radio>Josh Hanley</flux:menu.radio> </flux:menu.radio.group> <flux:menu.separator /> <flux:menu.item icon="arrow-right-start-on-rectangle">Logout</flux:menu.item> </flux:menu></flux:dropdown>
name |
User's name to display next to the avatar.
avatar |
URL to the image to display as avatar, or can pass content via slot.
avatar:name |
Name to use for avatar initial generation.
avatar:color |
Color to use for the avatar. (See Avatar color documentation for available options.)
circle |
Whether to display a circular avatar. Default: false.
initials |
Custom initials to display when no avatar image is provided. Automatically generated from name if not provided.
chevron |
Whether to display a chevron icon (dropdown indicator). Default: true.
icon:trailing |
Custom icon to display instead of the chevron. Accepts any icon name.
icon:variant |
Icon variant to use for the trailing icon. Options: micro (default), outline.
avatar |
Custom content for the avatar section, typically containing a flux:avatar component.