Enhance an input field with autocomplete suggestions.
<flux:autocomplete wire:model="state" label="State of residence"> <flux:autocomplete.item>Alabama</flux:autocomplete.item> <flux:autocomplete.item>Arkansas</flux:autocomplete.item> <flux:autocomplete.item>California</flux:autocomplete.item> <!-- ... --></flux:autocomplete>
wire:model |
The name of the Livewire property to bind the input value to.
type |
HTML input type (e.g., text, email, password, file, date). Default: text.
label |
Label text displayed above the input.
description |
Descriptive text displayed below the label.
placeholder |
Placeholder text displayed when the input is empty.
size |
Size of the input. Options: sm, xs.
variant |
Visual style variant. Options: filled. Default: outline.
disabled |
If true, prevents user interaction with the input.
readonly |
If true, makes the input read-only.
invalid |
If true, applies error styling to the input.
multiple |
For file inputs, allows selecting multiple files.
mask |
Input mask pattern using Alpine's mask plugin. Example: 99/99/9999.
icon |
Name of the icon displayed at the start of the input.
icon:trailing |
Name of the icon displayed at the end of the input.
kbd |
Keyboard shortcut hint displayed at the end of the input.
clearable |
If true, displays a clear button when the input has content.
copyable |
If true, displays a copy button to copy the input's content.
viewable |
For password inputs, if true, displays a toggle to show/hide the password.
as |
Render the input as a different element. Options: button. Default: input.
class:input |
CSS classes applied directly to the input element instead of the wrapper.
icon |
Custom content displayed at the start of the input (e.g., icons).
icon:leading |
Custom content displayed at the start of the input (e.g., icons).
icon:trailing |
Custom content displayed at the end of the input (e.g., buttons).
value |
The value to be set when this item is selected. If not provided, the item's text content is used.
disabled |
If present or true, the item cannot be selected.