Select one or multiple options from a set.
<flux:checkbox wire:model="terms" label="I agree to the terms and conditions" />
Organize a list of related checkboxes vertically.
When using checkbox groups, you can add wire:model to the group element or the individual checkboxes.
< wire:model="notifications" label="Notifications"> <flux:checkbox label="Push notifications" value="push" checked /> <flux:checkbox label="Email" value="email" checked /> <flux:checkbox label="In-app alerts" value="app" /> <flux:checkbox label="SMS" value="sms" /></>
Align descriptions for each checkbox directly below its label.
< wire:model="subscription" label="Subscription preferences"> <flux:checkbox checked value="newsletter" label="Newsletter" description="Receive our monthly newsletter with the latest updates and offers." /> <flux:checkbox value="updates" label="Product updates" description="Stay informed about new features and product updates." /> <flux:checkbox value="invitations" label="Event invitations" description="Get invitations to our exclusive events and webinars." /></>
Organize a group of related checkboxes horizontally.
<flux:fieldset> <flux:legend>Languages</flux:legend> <flux:description>Choose the languages you want to support.</flux:description> <div class="flex gap-4 *:gap-x-2"> <flux:checkbox checked value="english" label="English" /> <flux:checkbox checked value="spanish" label="Spanish" /> <flux:checkbox value="french" label="French" /> <flux:checkbox value="german" label="German" /> </div></flux:fieldset>
Control a group of checkboxes with a single checkbox.
Caleb Porzio |
Hugo Sainte-Marie |
Keith Damiani |
<> <flux:checkbox.all /> <flux:checkbox checked /> <flux:checkbox /> <flux:checkbox /></>
Mark a checkbox as checked by default.
<flux:checkbox checked />
Prevent users from interacting with and modifying a checkbox.
<flux:checkbox disabled />
A bordered alternative to standard checkboxes.
< wire:model="subscription" label="Subscription preferences" variant="cards" class="max-sm:flex-col"> <flux:checkbox checked value="newsletter" label="Newsletter" description="Get the latest updates and offers." /> <flux:checkbox value="updates" label="Product updates" description="Learn about new features and products." /> <flux:checkbox value="invitations" label="Event invitations" description="Invitatations to exclusive events." /></>
You can swap between vertical and horizontal card layouts by conditionally applying flex-col based on the viewport.
< ... class="max-sm:flex-col"> <!-- ... --></>
You can arrange a set of checkbox cards vertically by simply adding the flex-col class to the group container.
< label="Subscription preferences" variant="cards" class="flex-col"> <flux:checkbox checked value="newsletter" label="Newsletter" description="Get the latest updates and offers." /> <flux:checkbox value="updates" label="Product updates" description="Learn about new features and products." /> <flux:checkbox value="invitations" label="Event invitations" description="Invitatations to exclusive events." /></>
You can arrange a set of checkbox cards vertically by simply adding the flex-col class to the group container.
< label="Subscription preferences" variant="cards" class="flex-col"> <flux:checkbox checked value="newsletter" icon="newspaper" label="Newsletter" description="Get the latest updates and offers." /> <flux:checkbox value="updates" icon="cube" label="Product updates" description="Learn about new features and products." /> <flux:checkbox value="invitations" icon="calendar" label="Event invitations" description="Invitatations to exclusive events." /></>
You can compose your own custom cards through the flux:checkbox component slot.
< label="Subscription preferences" variant="cards" class="flex-col"> <flux:checkbox checked value="newsletter"> <flux:checkbox.indicator /> <div class="flex-1"> <flux:heading class="leading-4">Newsletter</flux:heading> <flux:text size="sm" class="mt-2">Get the latest updates and offers.</flux:text> </div> </flux:checkbox> <flux:checkbox value="updates"> <flux:checkbox.indicator /> <div class="flex-1"> <flux:heading class="leading-4">Product updates</flux:heading> <flux:text size="sm" class="mt-2">Learn about new features and products.</flux:text> </div> </flux:checkbox> <flux:checkbox value="invitations"> <flux:checkbox.indicator /> <div class="flex-1"> <flux:heading class="leading-4">Event invitations</flux:heading> <flux:text size="sm" class="mt-2">Invitatations to exclusive events.</flux:text> </div> </flux:checkbox></>
wire:model |
Binds the checkbox to a Livewire property. See the wire:model documentation for more information.
name |
Name attribute for the checkbox. Automatically set when using wire:model.
label |
Label text displayed next to the checkbox. When provided, wraps the checkbox in a structure with an adjacent label.
description |
Help text displayed below the checkbox. When provided alongside label, appears between the label and checkbox.
value |
Value associated with the checkbox when used in a group. When the checkbox is checked, this value will be included in the array returned by the group's wire:model.
checked |
Sets the checkbox to be checked by default.
indeterminate |
Sets the checkbox to an indeterminate state, represented by a dash instead of a checkmark. Useful for "select all" checkboxes when only some items are selected.
disabled |
Prevents user interaction with the checkbox.
invalid |
Applies error styling to the checkbox.
data-flux-checkbox |
Applied to the root element for styling and identification.
data-checked |
Applied when the checkbox is checked.
data-indeterminate |
Applied when the checkbox is in an indeterminate state.
wire:model |
Binds the checkbox group to a Livewire property. The value will be an array of the selected checkboxes' values. See the wire:model documentation for more information.
name |
Name attribute for the checkbox group. Automatically set when using wire:model.
label |
Label text displayed above the checkbox group. When provided, wraps the group in a flux:field component with an adjacent flux:label component.
description |
Help text displayed below the group label. When provided alongside label, appears between the label and the checkboxes.
variant |
Visual style of the group. Options: default, cards (Pro).
disabled |
Prevents user interaction with all checkboxes in the group.
invalid |
Applies error styling to all checkboxes in the group.
default |
The checkboxes to be grouped together. Can include flux:checkbox, flux:checkbox.all, and other elements.
A special checkbox that controls all checkboxes within its group. It becomes checked when all checkboxes are checked, unchecked when none are checked, and indeterminate when some (but not all) are checked.
label |
Text label displayed next to the checkbox.
description |
Help text displayed below the checkbox.
disabled |
Prevents user interaction with the checkbox.