Allow users to select dates or date ranges via a calendar overlay. Perfect for filtering data or scheduling events.
Use date inputs instead of date pickers for far-future or past events such as birthdates.
<flux:date-picker />
<flux:date-picker value="2025-03-26" />
<flux:date-picker wire:model="date" />
<?phpuse Illuminate\Support\Carbon;use Livewire\Component;use App\Models\Post;class CreatePost extends Component { public ?Carbon $date; public function save() { Post::create([ // ... 'published_at' => $this->date, ]) // ... }}
Attach the date picker to a date input for more precise date selection control.
<flux:date-picker wire:model="date"> <x-slot name="trigger"> <flux:date-picker.input /> </x-slot></flux:date-picker>
Enable selection of date ranges for reporting, booking systems, or any scenario requiring a start and end date.
<flux:date-picker mode="range" />
<flux:date-picker mode="range" value="2025-03-02/2025-03-06" />
<flux:date-picker mode="range" wire:model="range" />
<?phpuse Illuminate\Support\Carbon;use Livewire\Component;class Dashboard extends Component { public array $range; public function mount() { $this->range = [ 'start' => now()->subMonth()->format('Y-m-d'), 'end' => now()->format('Y-m-d'), ]; }}
<?phpuse Livewire\Component;use Flux\DateRange;class Dashboard extends Component { public DateRange $range; public function mount() { $this->range = new DateRange(now()->subMonth(), now()); }}
Control the allowed range of dates that can be selected.
<flux:date-picker mode="range" min-range="3" />
<flux:date-picker mode="range" max-range="10" />
Use separate inputs for start and end dates to provide a clearer interface for date range selection.
<flux:date-picker mode="range"> <x-slot name="trigger"> <div class="flex flex-col sm:flex-row gap-6 sm:gap-4"> <flux:date-picker.input label="Start" /> <flux:date-picker.input label="End" /> </div> </x-slot></flux:date-picker>
Allow users to select from frequently used ranges like "Last 7 days" or "This month".
<flux:date-picker mode="range" with-presets />
<flux:date-picker mode="range" presets="today yesterday thisWeek last7Days thisMonth yearToDate allTime"/>
Date Range
today | Today | DateRange::today() | Current day |
yesterday | Yesterday | DateRange::yesterday() | Previous day |
thisWeek | This Week | DateRange::thisWeek() | Current week |
lastWeek | Last Week | DateRange::lastWeek() | Previous week |
last7Days | Last 7 Days | DateRange::last7Days() | Previous 7 days |
thisMonth | This Month | DateRange::thisMonth() | Current month |
lastMonth | Last Month | DateRange::lastMonth() | Previous month |
thisQuarter | This Quarter | DateRange::thisQuarter() | Current quarter |
lastQuarter | Last Quarter | DateRange::lastQuarter() | Previous quarter |
thisYear | This Year | DateRange::thisYear() | Current year |
lastYear | Last Year | DateRange::lastYear() | Previous year |
last14Days | Last 14 Days | DateRange::last14Days() | Previous 14 days |
last30Days | Last 30 Days | DateRange::last30Days() | Previous 30 days |
last3Months | Last 3 Months | DateRange::last3Months() | Previous 3 months |
last6Months | Last 6 Months | DateRange::last6Months() | Previous 6 months |
yearToDate | Year to Date | DateRange::yearToDate() | January 1st to today |
allTime | All Time | DateRange::allTime($start) | Minimum supplied date to today |
custom | Custom Range | DateRange::custom() | User-defined date range |
<flux:date-picker mode="range" presets="... allTime" :min="auth()->user()->created_at->format('Y-m-d')"/>
use Flux\DateRange;$this->range = DateRange::allTime(start: auth()->user()->created_at);
$orders = Order::when($this->range->isNotAllTime(), function ($query) => { $query->whereBetween('created_at', $this->range);})->get();
<flux:date-picker mode="range" presets="... custom" />
Add a shortcut button to quickly navigate to today's date. When viewing a different month, it jumps to the current month. When already viewing the current month, it selects today's date.
<flux:date-picker with-today />
Enable quick navigation by making the month and year in the header selectable.
<flux:date-picker selectable-header />
Display a consistent number of weeks in every month. Prevents layout shifts when navigating between months with different numbers of weeks.
<flux:date-picker fixed-weeks />
By deafult the first day of the week will be automatically set based on the user's locale. You can override this by setting the start-day attribute to any day of the week.
<flux:date-picker start-day="1" />
Set the date that the calendar will open to. Otherwise, the calendar defaults to the selected date's month, or the current month.
<flux:date-picker open-to="2026-04-01" />
Display the week number for each week.
<flux:date-picker week-numbers />
By default, the date picker will use the browser's locale (e.g. navigator.language).
You can override this behavior by setting the locale attribute to any valid locale string (e.g. fr for French, en-US for English, etc.):
<flux:date-picker locale="ja-JP" />
<flux:calendar"range" />
<?phpuse Livewire\Component;use Flux\DateRange;class Dashboard extends Component { public DateRange $range;}
<?phpuse Livewire\Component;use Flux\DateRange;class Dashboard extends Component { public DateRange $range; public function mount() { $this->range = new DateRange(now(), now()->addDays(7)); }}
<?phpuse Livewire\Attributes\Session;use Livewire\Component;use Flux\DateRange;class Dashboard extends Component { #[Session] public DateRange $range;}
<?phpuse Livewire\Attributes\Computed;use Livewire\Component;use App\Models\Order;use Flux\DateRange;class Dashboard extends Component { public ?DateRange $range; #[Computed] public function orders() { return $this->range ? Order::whereBetween('created_at', $this->range)->get() : Order::all(); }}
$range = new Flux\DateRange( now()->subDays(1), now()->addDays(1),);// Get the start and end dates as Carbon instances...$start = $range->start();$end = $range->end();// Check if the range contains a date...$range->contains(now());// Get the number of days in the range...$range->length();// Loop over the range by day...foreach ($range as $date) { // $date is a Carbon instance...}// Get the range as an array of Carbon instances representing each day in the range...$range->toArray();
$orders = Order::whereBetween('created_at', $range)->get();
[ 'start' => null, 'end' => null, 'preset' => 'lastMonth',]
<?phpuse Livewire\Component;class Dashboard extends Component { public array $range; public function mount() { $this->range = [ 'start' => null, 'end' => null, 'preset' => 'lastMonth', ]; }}
<?phpuse Livewire\Component;use Flux\DateRange;class Dashboard extends Component { public DateRange $range; public function mount() { $this->range = DateRange::lastMonth(); }}
$this->range->preset();// This will return a value like `DateRangePreset::LastMonth`...
wire:model |
Binds the date picker to a Livewire property. See the wire:model documentation for more information.
name |
Name attribute for the date picker. Automatically set when using wire:model.
value |
Selected date(s). Format depends on mode: single date (Y-m-d) or range (Y-m-d/Y-m-d).
mode |
Selection mode. Options: single (default), range.
min-range |
Minimum number of days that can be selected in range mode.
max-range |
Maximum number of days that can be selected in range mode.
min |
Earliest selectable date. Can be a date string or "today".
max |
Latest selectable date. Can be a date string or "today".
months |
Number of months to display. Default: 1 in single mode, 2 in range mode.
label |
Label text displayed above the date picker. When provided, wraps the component in a flux:field with an adjacent flux:label.
description |
Help text displayed below the date picker. When provided alongside label, appears between the label and date picker within the flux:field wrapper.
description:trailing |
The description provided will be displayed below the date picker instead of above it.
badge |
Badge text displayed at the end of the flux:label component when the label prop is provided.
placeholder |
Placeholder text displayed when no date is selected. Default depends on mode.
size |
Size of the calendar day cells. Options: sm, default, lg, xl, 2xl.
week-numbers |
If true, displays week numbers in the calendar.
selectable-header |
If true, displays month and year dropdowns for quick navigation.
with-today |
If true, displays a button to quickly navigate to today's date.
with-inputs |
If true, displays date inputs at the top of the calendar for manual date entry.
with-confirmation |
If true, requires confirmation before applying the selected date(s).
with-presets |
If true, displays preset date ranges. Use with presets to customize available options.
presets |
Space-separated list of preset date ranges to display. Default: today yesterday thisWeek last7Days thisMonth yearToDate allTime.
clearable |
Displays a clear button when a date is selected.
disabled |
Prevents user interaction with the date picker.
invalid |
Applies error styling to the date picker.
locale |
Set the locale for the date picker. Examples: fr, en-US, ja-JP.
trigger |
Custom trigger element to open the date picker. Usually a flux:date-picker.input or flux:date-picker.button.
data-flux-date-picker |
Applied to the root element for styling and identification.
label |
Label text displayed above the input. When provided, wraps the input in a flux:field component with an adjacent flux:label component.
description |
Help text displayed below the input. When provided alongside label, appears between the label and input within the flux:field wrapper.
placeholder |
Placeholder text displayed when no date is selected.
format |
Date format string for display. Default: localized format.
clearable |
Displays a clear button when a date is selected.
disabled |
Prevents user interaction with the input.
invalid |
Applies error styling to the input.
placeholder |
Text displayed when no date is selected.
size |
Size of the button. Options: sm, xs.
clearable |
Displays a clear button when a date is selected.
disabled |
Prevents user interaction with the button.
invalid |
Applies error styling to the button.
A specialized object for handling date ranges when using mode="range".
$range->start() |
Get the start date as a Carbon instance.
$range->end() |
Get the end date as a Carbon instance.
$range->days() |
Get the number of days in the range.
$range->preset() |
Get the current preset as a DateRangePreset enum value.
$range->toArray() |
Get the range as an array with start and end keys.
Static Method
DateRange::today() |
Create a DateRange for today.
DateRange::yesterday() |
Create a DateRange for yesterday.
DateRange::thisWeek() |
Create a DateRange for the current week.
DateRange::lastWeek() |
Create a DateRange for the previous week.
DateRange::last7Days() |
Create a DateRange for the last 7 days.
DateRange::last30Days() |
Create a DateRange for the last 30 days.
DateRange::thisMonth() |
Create a DateRange for the current month.
DateRange::lastMonth() |
Create a DateRange for the previous month.
DateRange::thisQuarter() |
Create a DateRange for the current quarter.
DateRange::lastQuarter() |
Create a DateRange for the previous quarter.
DateRange::thisYear() |
Create a DateRange for the current year.
DateRange::lastYear() |
Create a DateRange for the previous year.
DateRange::yearToDate() |
Create a DateRange from January 1st to today.
DateRange::allTime() |
Create a DateRange with no limits.