Flux Pro component
This component is only available in the Pro version of Flux.


A message that provides feedback to users about an action or event, often temporary and dismissible.

To use the Toast component from Livewire, you must include it somewhere on the page; often in your layout file:

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<body>    <!-- ... -->    <flux:toast /></body>

If you are using wire:navigate to navigate between pages, you may want to persist the toast component so that toast messages don't suddenly disappear when navigating away from the page.

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<body>    <!-- ... -->    @persist('toast')        <flux:toast />    @endpersist</body>

Once the toast component is present on the page, you can use the Flux::toast() method to trigger a toast message from your Livewire components:

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<?phpnamespace App\Livewire;use Livewire\Component;use Flux;class EditPost extends Component{    public function save()    {        // ...        Flux::toast('Your changes have been saved.');    }}

You can also trigger a toast from Alpine directly using Flux's magic methods:

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<button x-on:click="$flux.toast('Your changes have been saved.')">    Save changes</button>

Or you can use the window.Flux global object to trigger a toast from any JavaScript in your application:

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<script>    let button = document.querySelector('...')    button.addEventListener('alpine:init', () => {        Flux.toast('Your changes have been saved.')    })</script>

Both $flux and window.Flux support the following method parameter signatures:

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Flux.toast('Your changes have been saved.')// Or...Flux.toast({    heading: 'Changes saved',    text: 'Your changes have been saved.',    variant: 'success',})

With heading

Use a heading to provide additional context for the toast.

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Flux::toast(    heading: 'Changes saved.',    text: 'You can always update this in your settings.',);


Use the variant prop to change the visual style of the toast.

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Flux::toast(variant: 'success', ...);Flux::toast(variant: 'warning', ...);Flux::toast(variant: 'danger', ...);


By default, the toast will appear in the bottom right corner of the page. You can customize this position using the position prop.

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<flux:toast position="top right" /><!-- Customize top padding for things like navbars... --><flux:toast position="top right" class="pt-24" />


By default, the toast will automatically dismiss after 5 seconds. You can customize this duration by passing a number of milliseconds to the duration prop.

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// 1 second...Flux::toast(duration: 1000, ...);


Use a value of 0 as the duration prop to make the toast stay open indefinitely.

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// Show indefinitely...Flux::toast(duration: 0, ...);



Position of the toast on the screen. Options: bottom right (default), bottom left, top right, top left.
Duration in milliseconds before the toast auto-dismisses. Use 0 for permanent toasts. Default: 5000.
Visual style of the toast. Options: success, warning, danger.


The PHP method used to trigger toasts from Livewire components.

Optional heading text for the toast.
Main content text of the toast.
Visual style. Options: success, warning, danger.
Duration in milliseconds. Use 0 for permanent toasts. Default: 5000.


The Alpine.js magic method used to trigger toasts from Alpine components. It can be used in two ways:

// Simple usage with just a message...$flux.toast('Your changes have been saved')// Advanced usage with full configuration...$flux.toast({    heading: 'Success!',    text: 'Your changes have been saved',    variant: 'success',    duration: 3000})
A string containing the toast message. When using this simple form, the message becomes the toast's text content.
Alternatively, an object containing: - heading: Optional title text - text: Main message text - variant: Visual style (success, warning, danger) - duration: Display time in milliseconds
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Caleb Porzio and Hugo Sainte-Marie