Select one option from a set of mutually exclusive choices. Perfect for single-choice questions and settings.
< wire:model="payment" label="Select your payment method"> <flux:radio value="cc" label="Credit Card" checked /> <flux:radio value="paypal" label="Paypal" /> <flux:radio value="ach" label="Bank transfer" /></>
Align descriptions for each radio directly below its label.
< label="Role"> <flux:radio name="role" value="administrator" label="Administrator" description="Administrator users can perform any action." checked /> <flux:radio name="role" value="editor" label="Editor" description="Editor users have the ability to read, create, and update." /> <flux:radio name="role" value="viewer" label="Viewer" description="Viewer users only have the ability to read. Create, and update are restricted." /></>
Group radio inputs inside a fieldset and provide more context with descriptions for each radio option.
<flux:fieldset> <flux:legend>Role</flux:legend> <> <flux:radio value="administrator" label="Administrator" description="Administrator users can perform any action." checked /> <flux:radio value="editor" label="Editor" description="Editor users have the ability to read, create, and update." /> <flux:radio value="viewer" label="Viewer" description="Viewer users only have the ability to read. Create, and update are restricted." /> </></flux:fieldset>
A more compact alternative to standard radio buttons.
< wire:model="role" label="Role" variant="segmented"> <flux:radio label="Admin" /> <flux:radio label="Editor" /> <flux:radio label="Viewer" /></>
You can also use the size="sm" prop to make the radios smaller.
< wire:model="role" label="Role" variant="segmented" size="sm"> <flux:radio label="Admin" /> <flux:radio label="Editor" /> <flux:radio label="Viewer" /></>
Combine segmented radio buttons with icon prefixes.
< wire:model="role" variant="segmented"> <flux:radio label="Admin" icon="wrench" /> <flux:radio label="Editor" icon="pencil-square" /> <flux:radio label="Viewer" icon="eye" /></>
A bordered alternative to standard radio buttons.
< wire:model="shipping" label="Shipping" variant="cards" class="max-sm:flex-col"> <flux:radio value="standard" label="Standard" description="4-10 business days" checked /> <flux:radio value="fast" label="Fast" description="2-5 business days" /> <flux:radio value="next-day" label="Next day" description="1 business day" /></>
You can swap between vertical and horizontal card layouts by conditionally applying flex-col based on the viewport.
< ... class="max-sm:flex-col"> <!-- ... --></>
You can arrange a set of radio cards vertically by simply adding the flex-col class to the group container.
< label="Shipping" variant="cards" class="flex-col"> <flux:radio value="standard" label="Standard" description="4-10 business days" /> <flux:radio value="fast" label="Fast" description="2-5 business days" /> <flux:radio value="next-day" label="Next day" description="1 business day" /></>
You can arrange a set of radio cards vertically by simply adding the flex-col class to the group container.
< label="Shipping" variant="cards" class="max-sm:flex-col"> <flux:radio value="standard" icon="truck" label="Standard" description="4-10 business days" /> <flux:radio value="fast" icon="cube" label="Fast" description="2-5 business days" /> <flux:radio value="next-day" icon="clock" label="Next day" description="1 business day" /></>
For a cleaner look, you can remove the radio indicator using :indicator="false".
< label="Shipping" variant="cards" :indicator="false" class="max-sm:flex-col"> <flux:radio value="standard" icon="truck" label="Standard" description="4-10 business days" /> <flux:radio value="fast" icon="cube" label="Fast" description="2-5 business days" /> <flux:radio value="next-day" icon="clock" label="Next day" description="1 business day" /></>
You can compose your own custom cards through the flux:radio component slot.
< label="Shipping" variant="cards" class="max-sm:flex-col"> <flux:radio value="standard" checked> <flux:radio.indicator /> <div class="flex-1"> <flux:heading class="leading-4">Standard</flux:heading> <flux:text size="sm" class="mt-2">4-10 business days</flux:text> </div> </flux:radio> <flux:radio value="fast"> <flux:radio.indicator /> <div class="flex-1"> <flux:heading class="leading-4">Fast</flux:heading> <flux:text size="sm" class="mt-2">2-5 business days</flux:text> </div> </flux:radio> <flux:radio value="next-day"> <flux:radio.indicator /> <div class="flex-1"> <flux:heading class="leading-4">Next day</flux:heading> <flux:text size="sm" class="mt-2">1 business day</flux:text> </div> </flux:radio></>
wire:model |
Binds the radio group selection to a Livewire property. See the wire:model documentation for more information.
name |
Name attribute for the radio group. Automatically set when using wire:model.
label |
Label text displayed above the radio group. When provided, wraps the radio group in a flux:field component with an adjacent flux:label component. See the field component.
description |
Help text displayed below the radio group. When provided alongside label, appears between the label and radio group within the flux:field wrapper. See the field component.
variant |
Visual style of the group. Options: default, segmented, cards.
invalid |
Applies error styling to the radio group.
default |
The radio buttons to be grouped together.
data-flux-radio-group |
Applied to the root element for styling and identification.
label |
Label text displayed above the radio button. When provided, wraps the radio button in a flux:field component with an adjacent flux:label component. See the field component.
description |
Help text displayed below the radio button. When provided alongside label, appears between the label and radio button within the flux:field wrapper. See the field component.
value |
Value associated with the radio button when used in a group.
checked |
If true, the radio button is selected by default.
disabled |
Prevents user interaction with the radio button.
icon |
Name of the icon to display (for segmented variant).
default |
Custom content for card variant.
data-flux-radio |
Applied to the root element for styling and identification.
data-checked |
Applied when the radio button is selected.