The Changelog

What's new around here?

Succinct and informative updates about Flux.
March 10, 2025


Version ^2.0.5
A bunch of callouts behind the flux logo
We just added Callouts to Flux! These components help draw attention to important information in your app and guide users on what to do next. Great for announcements, alerts, and feature highlights.

Colors & variants

Lots of callouts rendered in different colors
Callouts ship with common variants for visually signaling different levels of urgency like success, warning, and danger. However, we also support any Tailwind color you'd like to use instead.


A callout with buttons for actions
Callouts support action buttons to make it easy for users to take the next step right away. For tighter spaces, our "inline" mode puts actions right next to your message.
This works really well for things like upgrade prompts, account notifications, or introducing new features.

Flexible layout

One callout with the icon as part of the heading and the other as separate
Sometimes you may want to render your callout icon inside the heading to save space. Controlling this is as simple as adding the icon prop to the heading component instead of the root callout.


A callout with an x button to dismiss it
Flux callouts offer a dedicated controls slot for adding compact action buttons. This makes it easy to do things like add dropdown menu shortcuts or dismiss icon buttons and control their behavior however you want.

Callouts are available now as of Flux v2.0.5. Like all Flux components, they're fully responsive and dark mode ready right out of the box. We hope you find them useful—we know we will!
February 17, 2025

Flux 2 is here

Version ^2.x
A bunch of flux two components behind the Flux logo
What started as a curiosity—building a date picker from scratch—turned into months of focused work dreaming and building the next version of Flux. Complete with date pickers, calendars, charts, and more.
Today, we're proud to release: Flux v2
Flux v2 brings powerful new components while staying lean and dependency-free. This release includes:
  • A lightweight date picker & calendar
  • Line & area charts for analytics
  • Full Tailwind 4 support
  • A free tier with essential UI components
  • Laravel starter kits for instant productivity
Let's go.

Zero added dependencies

Keeping Flux lightweight was a top priority. Instead of pulling in third-party date pickers and charts, we built our own from the ground up—resulting in only 13kb added to the bundle.
Why go through all that trouble for a few extra kilobytes?
While exploring third-party charting and date picker libraries, we kept running into the following:
  • Too much complex configuration
  • Difficulty styling to match our designs
  • Lack of accessibility & localization
With that, we decided to roll up our sleeves and build it all ourselves. And we're glad we did, because now we have the exact components we want for our use cases and nothing more. On top of that, when we encounter things we'd like added or modified in the future, we can just make it happen. No plugins, no pull requests, just changing our own code.

The date picker

A date picker dropdown
Date pickers are everywhere—but most libraries are bloated and hard to style. With Flux v2, adding a sleek, fully accessible date picker is as simple as:
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<flux:date-picker />
Of course, like any component in Flux, we went the extra mile to make sure this component is:
  • Mobile Friendly
  • Keyboard accessible
  • Internationalized

A calendar component

A calendar component on the page
Date pickers are great, but sometimes you may want to embed the calendar itself on the page to allow users to choose a date for something like an appointment. We've seen this pattern a lot on sites like Shopify and AirBnB.
With our dedicated Calendar component you can now allow users to choose dates without hiding the calendar inside a dropdown:
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<flux:calendar />

The date range picker

A date range picker
Date range pickers are an essential part of any analytics or booking interface. Therefore we didn't hold back when building ours.
You can simply add mode="range" to any date picker or calendar to support ranges, or you can go all out with presets, input fields, and plenty more options:
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<flux:date-picker mode="range" months="2" with-presets />


a financial chart with revenue amounts at the top
Just like the date picker, a charting library is something we never thought we'd build from scratch...but once we started playing around, we started seeing a vision for how we could do charting differently and had to see it through.

They’re Just SVGs

This library is unique in that it makes you feel like you’re simply building and styling an SVG yourself.
This means the syntax for building a chart is slightly more verbose than other Flux components, but the experience is incredible—you won’t feel like you’re learning a mountain of complex configuration schemas. Instead, it’ll feel like you’re just tinkering with some <div>s and Tailwind classes.
To demonstrate, take a look at the following "Sparkline" chart in Flux:
A simple sparkline chart
Here is the markup required to create the above chart:
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<flux:chart wire:model="data" class="min-h-32">    <flux:chart.svg>        <flux:chart.line class="text-blue-500" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" />    </flux:chart.svg></flux:chart>
The above snippet renders, essentially, the following HTML:
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<div class="min-h-32">    <svg viewBox="...">        <path d="..." class="text-blue-500" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" />    </svg></div>
As you can see, each chart component maps directly to an HTML or SVG element. This means have FULL control over how your chart looks and how it's rendered.
Of course you can copy and paste our charting examples from the docs if you just want to get up and running, but after becoming familiar with the API, you'll have full control to do whatever you want.


One of my favorite things about this charting tool is its composability. You can mix and match different chart components to create exactly what your app demands.
For example, consider the following code:
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<!-- Line on top --><flux:chart.area class="text-blue-500/50" /><flux:chart.line class="text-blue-500" /><!-- Area on top --><flux:chart.line class="text-blue-500" /><flux:chart.area class="text-blue-500/50" />
Rendering order is intuitive—just like stacking divs. Whatever appears last will be drawn on top.
Because most of our chart components are actually rendering SVG markup, you can control things intuitively that would have otherwise been an entirely separate configuration item.

Tailwind 4

Tailwind 4 simplifies configuration by allowing customization directly in CSS. Flux takes advantage of this to include its own styles and default configuration effortlessly:
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@import 'tailwindcss';@import '../../vendor/livewire/flux/dist/flux.css';
This feels much lighter and cleaner to us than the previous approach in Flux v1: A @fluxStyles directive along with additional configuration in tailwind.config.js.
Of course, there are heaps of other goodies in Tailwind 4 that compelled us to switch.
One teeny tiny example is not needing square brackets when styling elements based on data attributes (a pattern we use A LOT):
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<!-- Tailwind 3: --><div class="data-[checked]:bg-zinc-800"><!-- Tailwind 4: --><div class="data-checked:bg-zinc-800">

Improved dark mode control

For dark mode to work in Flux, a .dark class needs to be added and removed from your app's <html> element.
Rather than doing this yourself in v1, Flux handled this automatically for you.
However, we've heard from users that, although that's nice most of the time, sometimes you want full control over your dark mode setup.
Therefore, in v2, we've removed our automatic handling of dark mode in favor of a new dedicated attribute called @fluxAppearance:
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...    @fluxAppearance</head>
Now, you can easily disable dark mode in your app entirely by simply not including this directive.
Or, if you want to control the .dark class based on something like server-side database code, you can do so yourself freely as well.

Laravel starter kits + new free tier

Flux is now officially part of Laravel’s new starter kits launching next week!
To make this possible, we've beefed up our free tier by including all the essentials you need in a basic web app. Things like buttons, modals, dropdowns, form inputs, etc.
The rest of Flux's more advanced and capable components will be separated out into a dedicated Pro tier.
Of course, all previous purchases will be grandfathered into the pro tier.

Livewire has always been an incredibly productive way to write web apps, but the front-end component landscape just wasn't up to par. Flux has been our mission to resolve this disparity, and now with Flux 2 we feel like the foundation is set.
And we’re just getting started—tons of new components and templates are coming soon. Stay tuned!
December 17, 2024

Theming in Flux

Version ^1.1.0
A rich text editor with a toolbar
Don't want your Flux app looking like everybody else's? We've got you covered. Flux is now completely themeable!

Three colors, one accent

A rich text editor with a toolbar
In a perfect world, you could pick a single accent color to theme your entire app. Unfortunately, we found this to be a pipe dream. Instead, we've learned you need no fewer than three accent colors in a system that can support every hue:
  • The base accent color. Used for things like the primary button background
  • A foreground color. This sits on-top of the base accent color; often used in text.
  • A content color. A stronger variant of the accent color for thinner figures like text.
We can then tweak those colors using opacity or color-mix() for specific needs, but those are the three core colors to work off of.

Hand picked colors

A rich text editor with a toolbar
We've curated themes for every color in the Tailwind color palette. Each combination is hand selected to make sure it looks just right.
For example, we chose a dark foreground color, instead of white, when an accent color like yellow is too light to meet color contrast standards.

Dark mode

A rich text editor with a toolbar
Of course each theme has dark mode baked in, but this is not your mother's dark mode.
There are plenty of places where we went a completely different route stylistically to make sure all designs "feel" the same in both light and dark mode.
One example is when you hover over a radio card in light mode, the background and border are set to a subtle hue of your accent color, however, in dark mode, the card is just a lighter shade of gray.
This is because when you add color to an element in light mode it looks lighter and therefore closer to the user. But when you add color to an element in dark mode, it looks DARKER, and therefore further from the user and more blended with the background. In these cases, we've mixed the color with extra white—using transparency—or left the color out completely.


Some components are themed by default that you may want to render as a base color instead.
In these cases, we've added an accent prop that you can use to opt-out of the themed version.
Here's an example of rendering a link in black/white instead of your accent color:
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<flux:link :accent="false">Profile</flux:tab>

Choose your gray

A rich text editor with a toolbar
Flux ships with zinc as its gray hue of choice. This looks clean and modern with its black and white design, however, it's not always the best choice for other accent colors.
We've pre-selected which gray colors look best in combination with certain accent colors. You can simply select an accent color in the theme builder, and we will adapt the gray to match.
Of course, you can also choose your own gray if you have a different preference.

CSS Variables

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@layer base {    :root {        --color-accent: var(--color-amber-400);        --color-accent-content: var(--color-amber-600);        --color-accent-foreground: var(--color-amber-950);    }    .dark {        --color-accent: var(--color-amber-400);        --color-accent-content: var(--color-amber-400);        --color-accent-foreground: var(--color-amber-950);    }}
We are using CSS variables for all accent colors so they can be easily customized in any way you please.
We've also chosen variable names that adhere to Tailwind 4's naming convention. This way, in Tailwind 4, you won't need to add any configuration to use them in your utilities like bg-accent.
You'll also notice these variables are adaptive, meaning they will change their values automatically in dark mode so that you don't have to do things like: bg-accent dark:bg-accent-dark.

Tailwind 4, here we come

A rich text editor with a toolbar
With Tailwind 4 right around the corner, we wanted to make sure we taking advantage of all the goodness it has to offer as well as using conventions like the aforementioned variable names.
Tailwind 4 uses a more modern color space for its color palette called oklab instead of the standard srgb (hsa(), rgb(), etc.) that you're used to.
Here is the difference between bg-red-500 in Tailwind 3 vs Tailwind 4:
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/* Tailwind 3 */--color-red-500: #ef4444;/* Tailwind 4 */--color-red-500: oklch(0.637 0.237 25.331);
This unlocks an entire new level of color (on modern monitors) that we were previously unable to render.
Therefore, you'll notice all colors in Flux themes are more vibrant than anything you would have seen in Tailwind 3.
In the interim, we've copied every CSS color variable to Flux from Tailwind 4's public beta. When Tailwind 4 is released, we'll be able to drop these and just use the ones Tailwind ships with.

We've spent countless hours researching and experimenting with everything theme related and are very happy with where we've landed. We hope you are too.
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Built with by
Caleb Porzio and Hugo Sainte-Marie