
Dark mode

Flux supports dark mode out of the box.

Light Dark System

Set up Tailwind

To take full advantage of Flux's dark mode controls, you will need to set
in your
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By doing this, Flux can now toggle on and off dark mode by adding/removing a
class to the
element of your application.

Disabling dark mode

If you don't want your application to support dark mode at all, you will need to change
in your
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JavaScript utilities

Managing dark mode in your own application is cumbersome. Here are a few essential behaviors you have to implement:
  • Add/remove the
    class to the
  • Store the users preference in local storage
  • Honor the system preference if
    is selected
  • Listen for changes in the system preference after a page has loaded
To save you from this complexity, Flux provides two JavaScript/Alpine utilities for making it easy to manage dark mode:
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Given these two utilities, you can now use Alpine to easily build widgets to manage dark mode.
For example, here's how you would write a simple dark mode toggle button:
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Or if you wanted to allow a user to choose their preferred color scheme, you could write:
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If you want to use these utilities outside of Alpine, you can instead access
on the global
JavaScript object from anywhere in your application:
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Rather than offer a one-size-fits-allnone solution, Flux provides a few examples of how you can use these utilities to build your own dark mode controls.

Toggle button

A simple toggle button to allow uesrs to control dark mode from something like a navbar or sidebar.
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Dropdown menu

More robust than a simple toggle button, this dropdown menu allows users to choose between light, dark, and system modes.
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Toggle switch

A simple toggle switch to allow users to control dark mode from something like a settings page.
Dark mode
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Segmented radio

A simple toggle switch to allow users to control dark mode from something like a settings page.
Light Dark System
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Alternatively, you can use an icon-only variant to save horizontal space:
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Built with by
Caleb Porzio and Hugo Sainte-Marie